Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh Lent!

If you think cajoling 2 preschoolers to sit calmly through an hour-plus long church service on a Sunday morning is fun, then try taking them on a Wednesday's a real barrel of laughs. But in an effort to instill in them the discipline of observing Lent, and hopefully to build their anticipation of celebrating Jesus' Resurrection, we are trudging through these Wednesday nights.

But it's not all frustration. Here are some amusing Madi moments from last night:

After we finished eating (gotta love those free soup suppers) Matt and Caleb went to the restroom to wash up. Madi, freaking out at their departure, requested to "go bathroom." So, I took her to the ladies' room. As we entered, a puzzled expression came across her face. She looked around the room, then entered each stall, asking, "Where Daddy?" I tried to explain about boys' vs. girls' restrooms, but the concept was lost on her. "Find 'em!" she demanded.

Later, in the service, Madi was excited to sing. I cannot describe her singing in words (in fact, she doesn't really use words when she sings) but you might compare it to mild yodeling. It's an effort to restrain her singing during the non-singing parts of the service. At some point, she opened a hymnal to a random song, and started following along the words with her finger. It happened to be a song that was half English/half Spanish, so completely comprehensible to the 2 year old non-reader. Nevertheless, at one point her finger happened to leave the page. She demanded "Where are we?" and was satisfied when I pointed to a random spot in her hymnal.

1 comment:

The Stark Family said...

I LOVE those two little stories about Madi. So cute!

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