Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Caleb Fought the Zip Line...And the Zip Line Won

Three years and eleven months without a broken bone...pretty good for a kid of his activity level. It was the zip line that finally got him. We were at the park. He was trying to be independent, to do it "by himself." Crash, boom, buckle fracture (of the distal radius, Matt adds). First there was urgent care for a splint and a sling. Caleb was excited to see his x-rays. Then came a trip to the orthopedist for a vibrant orange cast (he wanted pink but Matt vetoed that choice...orange was the next best thing). Matt quickly drew a longhorn on it to make it an official Texas cast (has UT licensed casts quite yet?). Caleb has been such a brave boy throughout this ordeal. The biggest bummer for him is that my parents had just installed a pool. He had only been swimming twice, and now he has to wait 4 weeks before he swims again. Caleb says that the people who built the zip line need to come "tear it down." Needless to say, I don't think he'll be zipping on any lines anytime soon.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sleeping Like a Normal Human

Strike up the band! Ring the bells! Burst into jubilant song!


Quite a feat for a champion sleep fighter...way to go Madi!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Rare Family Photo

David and Goliath - the Game!

Caleb and Matt were playing outside one day when Caleb invented a new game.
"Let's play David and Goliath," he said.
"You be Goliath, Daddy," he directed as he handed Matt a baseball bat, "Here's your sword."
"And I'm David," he announced.
Then, without warning, Caleb took a baseball (to represent the stone) and threw it right into Matt's head.
Lesson learned...Head injuries should be expected when playing David and Goliath.

An Ode to Madi

Longfellow hit the nail on the head 150 years before Madi was born...

There was a little girl, who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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