Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lesson Learned

Now, if you're technologically advanced and you own a GPS, you may not need to learn this lesson. But for those of us without the fancy schmancy equipment, it's fairly important:

Lesson of the Day: When moving to one of the largest cities in America, do purchase a map of that city.

So it was that the children and I set out on an adventure on Caleb's birthday. My phone was lost amongst the rabble of boxes and chaos that comprised our living quarters. So, we had no phone, no GPS, and no city map. Some might think that this would equal a recipe for disaster, but I assumed that my sense of direction and the assistance of the locals would pull us through. My sense of direction was fine, but the assistance of the locals really messed us up. The helpful Whole Foods employee confidently sent us on a path that took us miles and miles and miles from our destination.

The upside was that we ended up close to the beach, so we spontaneously spent a fun afternoon at the beach. I guess getting lost isn't so bad if you wind up at the beach!

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