Sunday, July 6, 2008

Caleb Quote O' the Day

As I was putting Caleb to bed tonight, the following conversation took place:

Caleb: "I want some Hulk toys."

Jen: "I don't know where you find Hulk toys."

Caleb: "You find them in China."

I guess he's been listening to some of the political discussions that have been going on around here!


Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

Oh, smart, smart boy! LOL
Too, too funny!

ethan.and.noahsmom said...

Ooh,ooh, ooh...I know where, I know get them at evil fast food restaurants like Burger King. Ethan got a Hulk Toy in his big kids meal. There was a BK right next to our hotel. Ethan saw the play area and said, "Wanna eat there...wanna eat there!" I swear kids can sniff out a play place like blood hounds...or maybe they just sense our fear as we try to drive past it hoping they won't notice. Why can't they have play areas at more healthy restaurants? Anyway, I digress...sooo, I have one evil BK Hulk toy with Caleb's name on it. Ethan was too excited to play after all that riding in the car to even get to the bottom of his meal, so he won't know it was missing. ...and yes, Caleb, it is from China :)

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