Thursday, February 7, 2008

ChocoCoco Raw Food Bar

I was this close to making brownies. I was hungry; we didn't have any chocolate chips, and I thought brownies would hit the spot. But at the last minute, I took the healthier path and came up with these little beauties. Now, they are very similar to the Super Yummy Raw Food Bar. But, and I am not joking or even embellishing, they taste SO similar to the little chocolate coconut bird's nests. You know what I'm talking about? So yum! Even Caleb and Madi are gobbling them up right now even though Caleb doesn't like nuts and Madi shouldn't have nuts. Anyway, here's the recipe...

12 dates
2 TBS peanut butter
1/2 C coconut
1 TBS honey
1.5 TBS cocoa powder
.5 C walnuts

Of course, these are all approximations because I don't measure. Just's more fun that way. I think walnuts must be a softer or oilier nut than almonds because the texture on these is much finer... thus the coconut bird's nest comparison. Enjoy!

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