Sunday, June 14, 2009

Slippin' N Slidin'

With outdoor play continually shrinking due to the heat, we decided to throw some water into the mix. Matt set up a slip n' slide and helped the kids learn the finer points of slippin' and slidin' The kids haven't exactly perfected that skill set, but had fun nonetheless. Oh, and this purchase coincided with Madi's newfound interest in using the potty (or shower, but that's another story). Anyway, Madi thought it was great fun to squat in the little pool end of the slip n' slide and do her business. So, Matt and Caleb slid right into this puddle of urine...good times.

Caleb Learning to Swim

He's not quite there yet, but Caleb made great progress in his swimming ability when we visited my parents recently. He swam the width of their pool (with a great deal of struggle). I think he'll really take off when we get him into some lessons.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bible Story Gone Wrong

In our house, Beatrix Potter and the writers of the Gospels have been mysteriously intertwined. During dinner, Madi started saying, "Jesus in the boat. Sank down, down, down." I tried to clarify that Jesus had actually calmed the storm in the boat. And Matt added that Peter had tried to walk on water and started sinking, but Jesus rescued him. Assessing the situation with newfound clarity, Madi said, "Peter Rabbit sank down, down, down."

Indoor Play

Here, Madi enjoys a respite from the heat at an indoor play area.

A Nature Hunt

We had a field trip with our homeschool co-op to the Arboretum. Here, Caleb and Madi are searching for objects to complete their nature scavenger hunt. I think they found all of them, even something not on the list...a snake!

Madi & the Mani Pedi

Madi was painting outside when she decided to turn her attention to her fingers and toes. She gave herself a rather wild mani/pedi and then turned her skills toward my feet. The precision with which she painted my toes at the age of two was promising...maybe in a few years her work will be almost professional!

Quotes O' the Day

Caleb was playing kitchen and 'made' me a cake. "Here's some cake," he said, "It's made of lambskin, butter, butter oil, cod liver oil, powder, cherries, and popsicles." Yummy...sounds delicious, doesn't it?

Madi: "Can we go to the grocery store and buy two babies?"

Caleb: "Madi, do you know what antagonize means?"
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